Tuesday 18 December 2012

The Price Evaluation (performance)

Overall, I enjoyed rehearsing for and performing The Price as I felt that it was a very interesting piece of theatre that could be interpreted in many ways, and I thought the direction that it was taken in was a good one. I thought the inclusion of song within our piece was a very creative and interesting route that was taken and helped to make the piece more interesting and easier to understand for the audience, who may have not had the chance to analyse the play as we have. Songs like 'Money, Money, Money' that was performed by the checkout girls I thought worked well due to the fact that it did a very good job of portraying how Brecht's theatre  worked and managed to successfully alienate the audience with strange happenings, such as the popping of the pregnant women's 'stomachs'. I also thought the Transitions between songs went well when performing the piece as well. The shopping announcements that were included in between the switching of the actors was a very good way of distracting attention from the changing of the actors, as there were actor/character changes throughout the performance and I felt it would have seemed very stiff and would have disrupted the fluidity of the performance if the audience had to wait for the actor changes every time. The changing of the actors was a very 'Brecht' way of performing theatre as we wanted to remind the audience that they were in a play so the changing of the characters never allowed them to get comfortable. It is also very brecht like to have the entire cast visible on stage at all times as well. One thing I felt could have gone better during the performance was the music cues. A couple of cues were missed towards the end of the play and the music was featured at the wrong times, meaning that the rhythm of the play was upset aswell. I also felt that we overused the Money song by the checkout girls too much towards the end and while funny, I felt it was slightly repetitive and boring at the end. Over all I have enjoyed working on and performing the piece, I just felt that minor things could have been improved.

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