Thursday 22 November 2012


Gestus is an acting technique that was developed by Brecht that uses a combination of gesture and attitude to present a character without  having to go too in depth to the characters emotions. We used and example of Gest in class to help clarify how it works. We had 2 scenes. The first scene I had to walk on stage as a soldier. I did this by walking very rigid and by taking carefully placed step. Once I got infront of the audience I saluted then walked back in the same way. The salute was the gesture that made the audience figure out I was a soldier without me having to say a word. The second scene had me repeat the same walk. This time "Dead Bodies" (other students) were placed on the floor. As I made the same journey, this time I had to kick the bodies as I walked, then I saluted as normal then walked off stage. This was then the attitude, as the audience managed to pick up that my character was someone who does not care about war due to the fact that I kicked the dead bodies As I walked past. Gestus reveals a specific aspects of a character: rather that his subconscious or other psychological aspects. Gestus makes visible a character's social relations and the casuality of his/her behaviour.

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